Monday, October 15, 2018

Stacie's Story: Love, Survival, and a Little Extra Chromosome. A Guest Post by Stacie Hansen

October is a very special month in the Hansen household. We celebrate Down syndrome awareness month and breast cancer awareness month. It’s a time for us to reflect on the past, look forward to the future, and celebrate LIFE! One year ago, I was bald and my newborn baby was living in a plastic dome. I didn’t believe in miracles. I thought God hated me. Wow, have things changed...

I had always wanted a third baby, desperately. I already had two healthy, wonderful boys but I always felt like something was missing. As I approached 40, my husband, Courtney, and I decided it was time to try for that third baby. After two miscarriages and lots of heartache, we were finally able to get pregnant via IUI on December 31, 2016. We were over the moon.  

Because of my age (39), I had to see a high risk doctor and have extra testing done. Around 14 weeks pregnant, I had a blood test (NIPT) for further screening. No biggie. My 12 week scan was completely normal. So of course I was taken aback when the geneticist called me at work with the results. The first thing out of her mouth was “unfortunately”....that word and the way she said it will never leave my memory. Her voice was shaky and she was speaking very slowly. “Un-forrrrr-tunate-lyyyy,” she said, “there’s a chance your baby has Down syndrome.” Silence. How do you even respond to that? The geneticist explained to me that my test results were odd because they showed the baby had a 51% chance of having Down syndrome, not the 99% result they usually see on this test. I felt like I was dreaming. I knew Down syndrome wouldn’t change my love for my child. My best friend has a special needs child who I adore so I was open to the idea. But there was something about the way the geneticist delivered the diagnosis that didn’t sit well with me. Like it was something I should be sad about. My only response was, “So is it a boy or a girl?” And it was a girl! My heart was happy again. Pigtails and dresses and dancing and laughing. The future was bright.

I opted for an amniocentesis, which I know is controversial. But I wanted to make sure I had a good diagnosis so I could plan accordingly and find the best care. When the doctor was about to perform the procedure, he noticed something wrong with the baby’s heart. He said, “This baby likely has Down syndrome. She has a heart defect called AV Canal, which is common with these babies, and will require heart surgery in the first year.” What?? I went completely numb. I knew I had to stay still for the procedure so I just completely zoned out and focused on the ceiling tiles. Courtney was silent too. When the doctor was finished, Courtney had to go back to work and he left in a daze. I got into my own car and completely fell apart. I called my best friend and screamed and cried. I was angry. I was devastated. I was mourning the healthy child I was supposed to have. I went into panic mode for a good 24 hours.

Two days later, the amnio results came back positive for Down syndrome and no other disorders. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had come to terms with the Down syndrome diagnosis and even the heart issue at that point. I found loads of information and support groups online. I started to feel really good about being a special needs mom, like maybe this was my purpose in my life. I hosted a gender reveal party and the boys got their wish of a baby sister.

At about 28 weeks pregnant, things started to change. The baby wasn’t growing as much as she should have been due to the umbilical cord starting to deteriorate. I found an OB at Johns Hopkins who specializes in babies with heart conditions and she kept me closely monitored in the following weeks. At 33 weeks, a scan revealed the umbilical cord was in really bad shape. I was whisked away to Labor and Delivery to be monitored around the clock. I was in shock. We hadn’t even picked out a name yet! We were scrambling to get grandparents and neighbors over to watch the boys. It was craziness.  

Two days later, on August 6, 2017, Miss Skylar Renee was born via emergency c-section. I didn’t hear her crying at first and I wept and wept. I could hear people rushing around and I was terrified something horrible had happened. Then I heard it.  The tiniest little kitten cry that made my heart explode into a million pieces. She was okay! The NICU team rushed her out of the operating room so I didn’t get to see her in person but a nurse kindly took a picture with my phone. I could not believe how beautiful she was. Wow. A stunning little 3 lb 14 oz baby girl.  

I was in the recovery room for a few hours before the nurses finally wheeled me in my hospital bed to the NICU so I could see Skylar. It wasn’t the beautiful moment you picture in your head, where you’re holding your baby for the first time while staring lovingly into her eyes. Nope. Skylar was in an isolette (or incubator, as I liked to call it) and hooked up to what seemed like hundreds of wires coming out of her arms, legs, belly button and mouth. Thank God I was on a lot of drugs because I may have lost my mind otherwise. I looked at her behind the plastic wall of her isolette, felt like I was in a bad dream, and asked to be wheeled back to my room. It was all too much.


It took me several days to really absorb what happened. One week prior I was working my corporate job and being Mom to my boys. Now I was in a hospital gown, unshowered for days, and staring at my baby through a plastic wall. More drugs please! It wasn’t until day 5 that I was able to hold Skylar for a significant amount of time. I remember the nurse asking me if I wanted to hold Skylar “skin to skin.” Yes Yes Yes!!! When the nurse placed her on my chest, I felt so utterly happy and content. I wanted to stay there forever. 

I settled into a little routine with the NICU. I treated it like a job. I would drop the boys off at school in the morning, “clock in” at the NICU around 10am and “clock out” around 6pm, just in time to tuck the boys into bed. We live over an hour from Hopkins so it wasn’t easy but I was hopeful Skylar would be discharged by September (wishful thinking!). I was so immersed in the NICU life that I kept having to remind myself of an ultrasound appointment I scheduled for the week after Skylar was born. It felt like such a nuisance to go to this appointment. I almost just canceled it. But I had a strange and large lump below my left breast, right at the bra line, and I knew I should probably get it checked out. It was a 1/2 mile walk to the radiology department from the NICU and I was still recovering from a c-section, but I rallied and made the trek.

Right away the ultrasound technician was concerned by the images. She called in a doctor who identified another mass in a lymph node. Then they called in Dr. Khouri, a well known radiologist. He looked at the images and put his hands on my shoulders and said, “I am really concerned by what I’m seeing. I need to biopsy you and I have no appointments today but I’m going to squeeze you in.” I felt like I was in a dream. I floated downstairs to the lobby and called Courtney and my two best friends. I cried and they all reassured me it would be ok...but I just knew it wouldn’t be.

I had the biopsy and it was thankfully painless. Two days later, Dr. Khouri called me early in the morning from his car and I already knew what he was going to say. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Hansen. You have a malignant tumor in your breast.” He called a few days later to let me know the lymph node tumor was malignant as well. What. The. F. In a matter of two weeks, I delivered a premature baby who was being kept alive by machines and now I have cancer in two places. Really, God? Why do you hate me?

The week after my diagnosis, I met with my new cancer team - oncologist, surgeon and bunch of other people I don’t remember. It was so weird. They’re talking survival rates based on different treatment plans and I’m like - just give me the best one and let me get back to my baby. Turns out I had Stage 2 triple positive breast cancer, which only about 10% of breast cancer patients have. It’s aggressive but the survival rates are very high when caught early, like in my case. I was told I would have chemo first (that was a shocker - I’m going to lose my hair in a few weeks??), then a mastectomy and lymph node removal, then…I honestly don’t even remember. All I heard was “chemo” and I about fainted. Chemo is for sick people and I don’t feel sick! I’m only 39! My first chemo was scheduled for September 1st. I would have it 6 times, once every three weeks.

I went to the NICU immediately after my oncology appointments and I was so distraught. I knew I had to tell the nurses I had cancer but I felt ashamed for some reason. I always felt that way when delivering the cancer news. It almost felt like I was making up a lie, like maybe I was making it up for sympathy. I know that sounds crazy but the story IS so crazy that it never felt real to me. I told Skylar’s nurse I could no longer pump breast milk and when she asked me why, I broke down in an ocean of tears. “I have breast cancer.” It was the first time I said it out loud. The nurse told me about Mia, a nurse across the hall, who was recovering from breast cancer. She had Mia come over and talk me through everything. It turns out Mia also had triple positive breast cancer and the same oncologist! She was only 18 months ahead of me in treatment. She sat down with me for a long time and walked me through every step and what to expect. Talk about divine intervention. (Okay, God, maybe you like me a little bit.)

Courtney and I had to tell the boys about the cancer. I researched how to break the news but in the end, we just spoke from our hearts. We told them I had cancer, but not the kind that people die from (at least we hoped), and that we would try to keep their lives as normal as possible. We told them I would lose my hair and that was the only part they seemed concerned about. They were so little, only 6 and 8 years old, and the only part they really understood was hair loss. We tried to make a fun family activity out of shaving my head.

Skylar was almost a month old and sadly not doing well in the NICU. Her heart condition was worsening and she was going into heart failure. Her cardiology team decided she needed a procedure done as soon as she reached 5.5 lbs. She finally made it to that weight in early September and heart surgery was planned for September 15th. The surgeon, Dr. Vricella, was so kind to schedule the surgery when I was recovered from my first chemo and well enough to be there.


On September 15th, Skylar had a procedure done to place a band around her pulmonary artery. This would help control the flow of blood into her lungs and help with breathing and overall heart function. While it wasn’t open heart surgery, it still required opening up her chest. She was so tiny and frail. There are no words to describe saying goodbye to your 5.5 lb baby as she’s rolled off into heart surgery. I’m crying as I write this. I didn’t know if she would be okay. I just prayed and cried and prayed some more. 

The surgery took so long. The waiting was the absolute worst. When Dr. Vricella finished surgery, he came out into the waiting room and he looked exhausted. Skylar did well but the surgery was very challenging. Dr. Vricella said her heart was the size of a cherry! He had to place a tiny Gore-Tex band around an itty bitty artery. But he did it and she was recovering in the PCICU (Pediatric Cardiology ICU).

When I walked into the PCICU to see Skylar, I couldn’t believe my eyes. All the wires on this tiny being. It took my breath away. Courtney cried. I could barely look at her. We stayed in the room with Skylar as much as we could the next couple of days but we felt helpless. She was very sedated but whenever she heard my voice, she would struggle to open her eyes and it was painful. So I had to stay quiet and just watch her from afar. It was torture. She was extubated on day 2 but struggled to breathe. I watched them “bag” (resuscitate) her twice. I felt like someone was stabbing me in the heart over and over. 

Skylar stayed in the PCICU for almost two weeks to get her breathing and medications under control. During this time, I had my second chemo and both of my tumors were already melting away. The chemo was working. At least something was looking up for us.

By the time Skylar left the PCICU and went back to the NICU, she seemed like a new baby to me. I remember her looking around the room, wide-eyed, as if she was seeing the world for the first time. Heart failure had made her so sleepy all the time. This heart procedure pumped new life into her.

Skylar’s recovery was slow and steady. She had trouble gaining weight, she couldn’t breathe without oxygen, and she still needed lots of heart medication. Two months went by and I felt like our NICU days would never end. It was exhausting and I was becoming weaker with every chemo. But I was determined to give Skylar as normal a life as possible. She needed her mom. She needed to be sang to and read to. I looked into her eyes every day I was there and talked to her for as long as she could stay awake. Even though she was so small, I think she understood me. She knew I needed her just as much as she needed me. Some days she would struggle to stay awake just to hear my voice.

Those days are very dark for me. I look back on this time a I don’t even see myself. I see a shell of a woman going through the motions like a robot. You have no choice at that point. You go into survival mode. I never knew what time of day it was in the NICU. It was always so dark and quiet. I used to joke that it was like being in a Las Vegas casino - you never know how long you’ve been sitting at the blackjack table (or rocking a baby). 


I started to get frustrated with the doctors because I never got straight answers from them. And sometimes they would contradict each other. Thank God for the nurses who were always willing to push for answers on my behalf. I was too weak to argue. My only defense was crying. That’s how I ended up getting Skylar out of there - after 100 days, I pulled the attending doctor aside and cried my eyes out. I begged him to let us bring her home and I promised to learn how to use the medical equipment at home. And who can argue with a bald, crying cancer patient? Skylar was transferred out of the NICU to the pediatric floor just before Thanksgiving and we were almost home.

On December 1, 2017, Skylar Renee finally came home after 117 days in the hospital. All of us - Courtney, Oden, Lucas and I - drove up to Baltimore with my mom to bring Skylar home. It felt like Christmas Day. Skylar was finally going to see sunlight and her beautiful nursery. I would get to hold her all day in the comfort of our home. Our boys would finally feel like we were a family of five. 

It was completely surreal putting Skylar in her car seat and driving away. I almost felt like we were stealing a baby from the hospital. As we walked Skylar out to the car, she had to shut her eyes from the bright sky. At 4 months old, she had never seen the sky or breathed outside air. I remember being nervous as we drove home and checking to make sure she was breathing. As we drove over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, we all said, “Skylar, you’re almost home!” 

What I wasn’t prepared for with Skylar’s homecoming was all of the “machines.” There was an oxygen machine and a feeding pump for her feeding tube. There was a home monitor that would beep at night and scare me to death. Skylar was a very easy baby, except for all the medical equipment. I felt like I was in nursing boot camp trying to juggle it all. But we got through it. Just seeing her smiling face and her loving brothers’ smiling faces made everything worth it. Our big medical goal at that point was to get Skylar to 10 lbs so she could have her heart repair surgery in 2018.

Christmas was a blur and then I had my final chemo treatment on December 28, 2017. It was so special for me to have my final treatment at the end of the year. I went into the New Year knowing the worst part was over for me. My parents took me to that treatment and we rang the victory bell. It was unbelievably emotional. I came straight home and held Skylar and cried for hours.

Three weeks after chemo ended, I had surgery to remove both of my breasts and several lymph nodes. I bounced back fairly quickly but not quickly enough. Skylar was hospitalized one week after my surgery and I was determined to be with her. She was having mystery fevers and her oxygen saturation levels were dropping, all due to her heart condition. She was in the hospital for a few nights and I stayed with her. I had these horrible drains coming out of my breasts that I had to take care of in the hospital bathroom. Gross. And I picked Skylar up a lot, which was a huge no-no from my surgeon. But Skylar always came first. Cancer was just such a nuisance to me. I was still going to the infusion center every three weeks to get targeted drugs and I never wanted to be away from her. It killed me to leave her.

Due to Skylar’s increasing heart issues, we decided to move up her heart surgery.  She was not quite 10 lbs but she was close enough. We scheduled the surgery for February 15th. I liked that she was having surgery one day after Valentine’s Day (heart day). Courtney and I decided to take Skylar to a fancy dinner on Valentine’s night and we stayed in a hotel near the hospital.

I’ve never felt panic like I did the day of Skylar’s heart repair. I almost passed out several times while the nurses prepared her for surgery. I didn’t know if I would be able to make it through the day. We said goodbye to Skylar around 9am and a nurse called me every few hours with updates. Courtney and I left the hospital for a bit and tried to keep our minds off the surgery but it was so hard. Every time I’d think about Skylar being cut open, I would go into panic mode.

The surgery was done by 4pm and the surgeon, Dr. Vricella, came out to speak with us shortly after. He said the surgery was difficult (again) because Skylar’s heart was so small - the size of a newborn’s. But he successfully repaired her heart and we felt relieved...until he said, “the next 12 hours are critical and things can change in an instant.” Oh boy. I wasn’t expecting that. The panic returned.

We went to the PCICU to see Skylar that evening. Because we’d already seen her after her first surgery, it wasn’t as shocking the second time. But it will still upsetting. She was trying to respond to my voice again. I had to stay quiet so she could get some rest. You feel so helpless in those moments. You want to stay and hold your baby’s hand but you know it will only delay her recovery. So you just sit in the back of the room and pray.

We got past those dreaded first 12 hours and I’ve never felt so relieved. My baby was doing so well! In fact, she was extubated within 48 hours, which we were definitely not expecting. She had her chest tubes and other monitoring wires removed by day 3. She was starting to wake up a bit more and we were able to talk to her. This is my favorite picture of Courtney and Skylar - he was singing softly to her and she listened to every word. It perfectly captures the love they have for each other.

By day 6, Skylar was smiling and kicking her feet AND she was completely off oxygen! Amazing. And by day 9, Skylar came home. The worst parts of heart disease and cancer were over! We were all so excited to have her home again. At that time, home didn’t feel like home unless Skylar was there. We all felt like our lives were finally beginning again. And just like in the last heart surgery, Skylar came to life during the first few weeks of recovery. She smiled all the time and started giggling. Her giggle is hysterical - it’s a bit like an 80-year old smoker from all the intubation she’s needed. I love that throaty laugh. It reminds me how awesome our life is now compared to last year. Like a rainbow after a thunderstorm. 

It has been 8 months since heart surgery and Skylar has grown by leaps and bounds. Within a month from surgery, she started eating solid foods. A few months later, she was taking a bottle and no longer using her feeding tube. She can now roll over, sit up, and is starting to crawl AND she turned ONE on August 6, 2018. What a year. Skylar is my hero. Seeing the world through her eyes has forever changed me. She is pure joy and happiness. She puts a smile on every face she meets. She’s magical like that.

As for me, I had reconstructive surgery over the summer and finished my 12 months of drug infusions on September 7, 2018. What an emotional day. It was an entire year of infusions every three weeks. All 5 of us went to the infusion center on that last day and rang the victory bell. I held it together for a happy family photo but broke down as we all piled into our car. I held onto Oden, my oldest, and we cried together. I felt like he suffered the most during the past year because he understood a bit more what was going on. We held each other until all of those sad emotions were gone. Then we all went out to lunch and cracked open a chocolate piñata for dessert. Sometimes chocolate is the best medicine.

I can finally say I’m a cancer survivor. After all those treatments and surgeries, I’m finally free. I can move on with my life and I’m certainly trying to. It’s not easy though. Sometimes you get stuck in the sadness of the past and it’s hard to move forward. Post-traumatic stress is a real thing. But I’ve never been one to dwell in my misery. And Skylar helps me. She keeps me going. She reaches out her chubby little arms for me to pick her up and I know what my purpose in life is. I was meant to be her mom. She saved me in more ways than one. She brought me to Johns Hopkins, to some of the best oncologists in the country. She kept me going on days when I didn’t think I could fight anymore. She gave me purpose and she kept me alive. I have more hope than I’ve ever had. I have witnessed so many miracles this past year that I no longer believe God hates me. Everything that’s happened was meant to happen. And I’m a better person than I ever imagined I could be. I wouldn’t change a thing about my journey.

Today, I celebrate life every single day. I say “I love you” more. I spend more quality time with my family and we laugh a LOT. We share our emotions, the good and the bad. Time is precious, you never know how much you have. Be grateful for the time you have with your loved ones. Look your kids in their eyes and tell them how special they are and how much they mean to you. Love each other like Skylar does - with abandon and with your whole heart.

Stacie Hansen is a mother of three children, two boys and a little girl named Skylar. Skylar was born with Down syndrome. You can follow Stacie and Miss Skylar on Instagram @SkootieBadoodie

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