Tuesday, June 19, 2018

"The Little Things" A Poem For My Son

To my son, who continues to show us each day the beauty of enjoying the moments. 

The Little Things
by Katie Baker

When I first held your body against mine
I could not help but wonder who you’d be.
Would all my dreams for you happen with time?
The unknown came like a curtain on me.

We took you home and the thoughts still went on,
All of the “hows” and the “whens” and the “whys.”
I’m ashamed, it’s true, when some hopes were gone,
But then you’d show us you’re full of surprise. 

And we learned the surprises came each day
In all of the little things that you do.
We learned to slow down and love the new ways
That the world is conquered each day by you!

So dream big, love hard, laugh often, play and sing, 
But keep making your mark doing the little things.


  1. He truly is reMARKable❤️. I’ll repeat what my Daniel said today when he saw Mark’s video- we can’t wait to meet him when we come for Justin’s wedding!

    1. Thank you, Aunt Debby! We are thrilled that we will get to see all of you in November, and we especially cannot wait to introduce you to Mark and Rachel. Love you!


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