Sunday, June 17, 2018

To My Husband on Father's Day


Dear Eric,

It is truly amazing what a year in life does to a person, and two-fold to a couple. Last Father’s Day seems like a blur - a day spent with family, laughing and playing with Rachel and her cousins. But there was also the worry and fear of the unknown for our son. What would fatherhood be like when he came? What would our family be like? One year later, as we celebrate you again, I can say truly that fatherhood has never looked so good on you! You were always patient, kind, silly, gentle, and loving toward Rachel. And now that we have Mark, I see those same qualities in you magnified. Your love for our children has never been stronger or more palpable. Your devotion to them is noted by anyone who meets you. Your pride in being their father is unmatched. 

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I know that there have been hard days. There has been worry and fear. There has even been sadness. I know that there will be more of those days, and that is simply the nature of living life. But if there is one thing that I am certain of it is that you will love us more everyday and that your love will be felt in every thing that you do. Your positive attitude and drive to make the most of each day is infectious, and it is how we as a family are able to get through the hard days, the ups and downs, the sleepless nights. 

You are an amazing father and husband. I am so grateful that you chose me to be your partner, and I am even more grateful and blessed that God chose you to be the father of my children. Happy Father's Day, Eric. 



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